Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter is here

So the weatherman says, "tonight a trace of snow, with no accumulation". Then I wake to 5 inches of the white stuff piled up and still coming down. It didn't stop till 3pm. Geez. Winter is here.
I also awoke to what I thought was a healthy child, until I was ready to walk out the door. He calls me on my phone and says he is sick. Except not the throwing up kind of sick. He manages to miss another day of school, due to the fact that he has difficulty making it to the bathroom on time. Poor guy. I hope no one else gets it.
Caden's games for tonight was postponed, as was most other area basketball. This of course means that he dressed up for NOTHING! And, that I ironed for NOTHING! He did look nice, though.
I came home today, made dinner, took a shower, helped Kobe a little with his AWANA, and was in bed by 7.15pm. Actually napped a little. Haven't done that in like forever. It's 9.30 now, and I'm wide awake. Nice.
Weather forecast. No snow till Thursday night. I guess we'll see about that.

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