Friday, December 19, 2008

This weather is depressing, kinda like getting a detention

Caden's game was postponed even though it really didn't do much around here. It was a very depressing day with mist and fog. We traveled to Halstead to watch Valerie play against Jessica. Both did great. We ate at the restaurant in Halstead with Michael's parents, Zach, and all the kids. It was a pretty good eat.

I was able to wrap some gifts, and get most of my letters mailed. Yay for me! I need to get a few more stamps to finish up. I think I sent a total of 120 letters this year.

Today is a laundry day. I was going to run to Maize for some shopping, but Michael is going to Wichita on Sat. so he will do it for me. He is taking Sara in to order her letter jacket. (Christmas gift from us).

Caden is serving an after school, 2-hour detention tonight. I don't remember ever getting a detention in HS, but it has been 16 yrs. His detention was for missing a mandatory meeting about his interim course over spring break. The punishment is a little over the top, but he should probably be more responsible. After all, he is almost 15 (in 3 days).

Kobe has a game Saturday, and then no more basketball till next year! It will be a nice break.

Laundry, wrapping, mailing, and partying are on my to-do list for the rest of the day. Better get busy!

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