Sunday, December 14, 2008

"Mom, I don't feel so good"

So, these were the 5 words I hear, just before my child pukes in our church parking lot. This was after I had just had a conversation with a friend, who is a nurse, about how they have been swamped with sick, vomiting children. GREAT! Kobe is still suffering with a headache, and tummy ache, but hasn't vomited again. Pretty sure he won't be going to school tomorrow.
Michael and I did manage to run into Wichita and finish up Christmas shopping. Caden hung out with his sickly brother. It is sooo cold outside. The temperature reading in our van said 19 degrees, but I heard the windchill was -11. It started to snow/sleet on our way home.
Caden turns 15 on the 22nd. I cannot describe how fast his life has gone, and before my very own eyes. It's quite frustrating because I feel like time is going by faster now that he is older. I feel him slipping away into adulthood, and there isn't much I can do about it. Enjoy the time we have, I say.

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