Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Week Before...

So Christmas is 1 week away from today. I'm feeling better about it, however, I haven't wrapped one, single gift. So, my goal for today and tomorrow, is to mail my Christmas letters, and wrap gifts. I am waiting on some address clarifications before I can print my labels, and I am procrastinating the gift wrapping idea. I really hate to wrap presents.
The weatherman calls for freezing rain today. Hasn't done much yet. Caden is supposed to play in Hoisington tonight. It's like 2 hours from Haven. I have a feeling if we get any winter weather, we won't be headed anywhere.
Tomorrow evening is my office Christmas party. Actually, we just have dinner at a restaurant and give Dr. his gift. This year we got him a basket containing wine glasses etched with the KSU powercat, some Christmas wine, a monogrammed cork screw, and various yummy accents. He gives us our gifts as well. Us girls always go out to lunch and exchange gifts. We will probably do that after the new year. Oh, and we are eating at Marcella's tonight. A somewhat new, Italian restaurant in Hutchinson. YUM!

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