Thursday, April 29, 2010


Tonight is Haven High's variety show "Encore 2010". Caden will perform several acts, his favorite being the Wildcat Singers rendition of the Blue Man group.

State music was a success with his trumpet trio earning a "1" rating and the Wildcat singers a "2". In order to qualify for state, each ensemble had to get a 1 at regionals.

Track is coming to an end. Seems to go by fast. Caden has PR'ed in all events this year, which is great. At least he is improving. He was excited to break 100 ft in Javelin on Tues. His weight man' s relay, AKA, 4 X fat, has competed in 2 meets. It's quite the entertainment. Caden is actually pretty speedy, I clocked him at 12.5 for his split. He starts for the relay.

Kobe is the king of dodge ball these days. We have to construct a castle for a class assignment, which is just one more thing to add to my list of "stuff to do". Sounds like a job for Michael...

My dad is recovering nicely. Has his last PT tomorrow, but still has 4 more weeks off work. I think my mom is dealing with him pretty well. She hasn't flipped out publicly

The wind is outrageous right now. The boys and I have suffered with crazy allergies the past few weeks. The temps are wonderful though.

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