Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First skype with Mia last night. Talked to her tonight as well. It's wonderful having technology to keep us in touch from such a far distance. Love the kisses too!

Another track meet today in Fairfield. Caden did well and the team got 1st overall. We've been having warm temps, but it got downright cold toward the end of the meet. Looks like we might be getting our first bout of spring thunderstorms soon.

Kobe finally ordered his guitar he's been pining for all year. He saved up most of the cost, and used a little from his savings to pay for it. He will be replenishing his account as soon as he starts earning some money from helping with his dad's lawn care business this summer. It's a Les Paul something or other...no idea. Anyway, it should be here any day now.

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