Monday, September 14, 2009

Can we get into a routine already???

Trip to Cali was great! Mia was taking steps, 15 was her high while we were there. She was attached to nana at the hip of course, and I'm sure is having a bit of withdrawal now that she's gone. My brother said that all she wants to do is walk...with support...all over cuz that's what my mom did with her the entire week. We celebrated her 1st birthday with a gigantic cake and gifts. It was a good time. Walked around Stanford campus one evening, drove to Big Basin (redwoods), and went to the Aquarium at Monterey for Mia's bday! The trip was short, however, and we miss them so much.

Caden marched today at the fair and the band received 1+ ratings! They have a great marching band, and this year's theme is the Beatles.

Caden started his first Varsity football game on the 4th, and had a great JV game tonight. Even though they are struggling to get their first Win on the season, a visible improvement can be seen. Kobe has his first game this Sat, as last weeks was rained out. He is pumped for sure.

I wish we could get into a routine around here. It seems like it's busier than ever. AWANA starts this wed as well. Crazy thing is, Christmas is right around the corner. Enjoying my time though. It's precious.

We had Sunday school this past Sun in our newly built children's dept. Adult classes met also. It has been a year since we put a halt to all SS to begin the expansion project. "Kidstown" looks great!


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