Friday, September 4, 2009

Caden's first Varsity game

Tonight Caden is starting in the Varsity game against Smoky Valley. He is playing on the D-line, but is second string center on offense. I'm excited for him, but really, I'm quite nervous. I pray for his safety out there. I know he can compete, it's just he's young, and smaller than a lot of those guys on the line. I don't worry as much when Kobe is on the field...except for the kids on the other team.

We fly out to Cali tomorrow for the holiday weekend and Mia's first birthday! Everyone is ready...well...not quite done packing yet. We enjoyed having Mia here a couple of weeks ago when they all flew in for Steph's interview in Wichita. Mom kidnapped Mia from the airport as soon as they landed. They were only here 48 hours. A friend of mine took some photos of Mia at Dillon Nature Center, which turned out so good! Mia spent 2 nights with nana, and part of the day with meemee and papa Unruh. She is getting so big, and finally took her first steps just a few days ago! She'll be one on Sept 8th.

Time is flying.

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