Saturday, August 28, 2010

Black and Gold Scrimmage

Spirit night was last night. Booster club hosted a big carnival, silent auction, and raffle. There was a hamburger feed, performancse from the chorale and band, and a dance. Both boys scrimmaged. Kobe went against the 9th graders and won! He was pretty excited. I think he enjoyed throwing down a Jr. Caden did well with a recovered fumble. Overall a good showing. Michael won a Sony Reader for me, which was awesome!!! Been wanting one of those.

Today was our varsity volleyball pre-season tourney in Pratt. Saw many good things, but unfortunately didn't get the wins we wanted. Needless to say, I am exhausted from 2 days of little rest and lots of business to handle.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill

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