Sunday, August 22, 2010

Back to school

School has started! Caden is a Jr and Kobe is in 7th gr! I am so shocked how they have grown up right in front of me. My eyes see, but my mind remembers how small and helpless they used to be. Now, they could probably survive on their own...well, for at least a week. Once the food ran out and the underwear was all dirty, desperation would set in! Anyway, football is also underway. Had a cooler week to start, thankfully. Temps in the upper 80's all week, with some rain. Sat, they both had their scrimmage. Along with the O line, Caden will also be playing Def end and special teams. He had a good showing on defense at the scrimmage. Kobe will more than likely start center, and has been exhibiting a great attitude so far. I wondered how a daily practice would work for him, and so far, no complaints. He showers and crashes everyday when he gets home. Ha! I am coaching volleyball at the high school this year. I have the C team and it works pretty good with my work schedule and the boys' games. The other coaches are great to work with which makes it fun! We have another week of practice before matches/games start. Friday night is Spirit Night with the Black and Gold Scrimmage and lots of fun activities hosted by Booster club. Sat, the varsity squad has a pre-season tourney. I'm excited to see what we can do.

Looking forward to a busy season with 2 football games a week and 2 volleyball dates a week. Michael and I are also directing Cubbies again this year. A replacement wasn't able to be found, so I was led to continue. It will be a little stressful during VB, but we will make it work. Maybe next year we will be able to take a break.

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