Sunday, July 25, 2010

A couch and a truck

The boys are all on a scavenger hunt with the church youth group. "The Great Couch Event" is an annual event involving a truck with a couch in the back. The groups must complete a list of tasks with the couch and a video cam. Sounds like a good time.

I am so sad to see summer go by so quickly. Less than a month till school starts. Trying to get things organized around here before the craziness of football and school set in. Kobe is excited for Middle school and is ready to go. He can't wait for me to buy his new calculator. Ha! That's all he talks about these days.

Not sure we will be able to get to Dallas before school starts. That was the original plan, but with everything coming up so quickly, not sure we will have the time or the money. Steve, Steph, and Mia were here last weekend. We were able to have a big family lunch at Gambino's. Both sides of the fam came to eat and fellowship.

Grandpa had some scary times last week. His pacemaker wasn't functioning correctly, and once they finally figured it out, a new lead wire was placed. At one point his heart rate was dangerously low. He spent some time in the hospital and is home recovering. Darian and his fam are coming to visit this upcoming week from Indianapolis. I think we are all getting together next weekend for a Mexican meal! Duane's were here a couple of weeks ago from S. Carolina.

Another work week ahead. Michael's company is on shut down, but he is working. 7 days a week! Whewy! Looking forward to a rewarding week!


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