Saturday, October 24, 2009

Another last day...

Today is Kobe's last football game in grade school. We are headed to Kingman in a bit. I know he is ready to be done, but there is something about this being it. No more youth football for me...ever. Caden has one more game left also. My children are growing up too fast.

Caden has 4 friends over last night for a movie. I was up till midnight baking cookies and making pizza. Caden played really well, and had a great solo tackle. Even though we didn't pull out a W, there were no injuries!

We are excited to go to the Chiefs/Steelers game in Nov. Tim was able to get us tickets! I haven't been to a Chiefs game in a long time. Caden is super excited cuz he's a big Steelers fan. We will see KU play MU after Thanksgiving. Mom's coming too. Now that Kobe is done with Sat. games, we can actually do stuff.

Tomorrow is my 36th birthday. Not that thrilled. It's not fun anymore. Happy Birthday to me...whoop-ti-doo...

I have PT conferences on Monday. Kobe got straight A's, with a few A+'s! Not sure about Caden. We will see.

November is a busy month, so not sure I will blog much. I have to work in Colby, then Kobe's piano recital, then on to Vegas for TBSE(dental convention), then Kobe's 12th bday, then Chiefs game, then Thanksgiving and Black Friday, and then the KU game. I'm tired just thinking about it.

On top of all that, basketball starts! YES!

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