Wednesday, June 3, 2009

California dreamin

We leave tomorrow night, late, for California. This will be the longest, farthest, busiest, road-trip ever. We are stopping at the Grand Canyon for the first night. Will head to Vegas where we will tour the Hoover Dam and hang out in sin-city. Yes, we are taking the boys, but only for 1 night. Shouldn't do too much damage, haha. We will drive the next day to LA and Hollywood. This was a request by my oldest, star-struck child. After the day there, we will end up at my brother's near San Fran around midnight on Sunday. It will take 35 hours of driving to get there. We plan on staying 4 days with them. I will update later on all the activities we have planned. Maybe... Our trip home will begin on Friday the 12th. We have tentatively planned on going home through Yosemite National Park and Lake Tahoe. After a hotel there, we will drive through Utah and the salt flats. 34 hours of driving later, good-ole Haven, KS. Whew. I'm actually tired just writing it all. Anyway, will have fun NO MATTER WHAT! Wish us luck and safe travel!

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