Thursday, July 30, 2009

Rest peacefully Aunt Elsie

Earlier today, my aunt Elsie passed away. She lived in South Carolina and even though we didn't get to see her often, I remember her wacky sense of humor and smile. My mom and my uncle Derick's family are driving the 20 hr distance for her funeral on Sat. Unfortunately, I cannot go, due to previous plans for a trip to KC to do some shopping with some friends. We have already booked our hotel. Elsie was my grandma's sister. My grandparents were able to be with her during her last days here. She battled illness over the past 5 years or so and had been under-going dialysis over that period of time. Her last several years were spent hooked up to a machine, and not feeling the greatest. Even when I could tell she felt horrible, she managed to smile and joke with all of us. She will be missed.

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