Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not so much luck

Stomach flu has come again for the 2nd time this year. Kobe and I were sick on Sat. and he is still recovering. I had the 24hr fun stuff, while the boys got stuck with the "it could take a week to clear" fun stuff. I leave tomorrow night for Cali and even though I am so excited to see my brother and his family and kiss all over Mia, I am slightly concerned about leaving Kobe home since he still isn't feeling well.
We are headed to Caden's basketball banquet tonight. Last hurrah for the year...
KU did win against Dayton last Sunday. It was pretty effortless. ON TO THE SWEET SIXTEEN!


1 comment:

  1. WHAT? 2 times in 1 year!? I didn't know that was POSSIBLE! I'm sooo sorry!!!
