Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm home. California was great. The weather was absolutely amazing, especially since there was a blizzard here while I was gone. Mia is getting so big, and still so happy. She practically has a smile glued on that little face all day and night. My mom was also there. We drove over the Golden Gate bridge, and spent some time driving up Hwy 1. It was beautiful. Mom left on Sat. and we went downtown San Francisco. It was hard to find somewhere to park, and we had to walk a distance to get to Old Navy. We wanted to check out the 3 level store. Crazy big store. Lots of designer stores as well. We were grossed out big time by a bum doing his "business" on the street in a bucket...that's all I will say about that. They live in Menlo Park and we also walked around the area almost every day. It's a neat neighborhood town with adorable homes, parks, and a great atmosphere. We even went to the local Goodwill a couple of times. Designer clothes, nothing like our Goodwill here. Anyway, it was great to visit and hang out with everyone. Now I'll just have to count down the days till June when we head back...


1 comment:

  1. Oh and I forgot...KU lost to Michigan. The game was actually very close, but we choked in the last 2min. Sad to see the end, but excited for next year. We should be REALLY GOOD!
