Thursday, January 8, 2009

Long week, this was.

Ok, so I know it's not even Friday yet, but this week has been a killer. Time has passed slowly and I am exhausted. Our other hygienist was sick Mon and Tues, so I had to take on the extra load. It wasn't too bad, but the days seemed long. I'm off through Tues. so I should recover. However, the laundry is crazy and I still haven't taken down the Christmas tree. WOW. That is my weekend goal.
Kobe taught me how to play "Smoke on the Water" tonight on the guitar. I serenaded Michael and Caden on the acoustic, and even the electric guitar. They weren't too impressed. Maybe I'll just stick to singing.
OU is playing Florida in the BCS National Championship tonight. It pains me to cheer for the Sooners, but hey, Big 12 Pride, right? It's a good game, tied 7-7 at half. I told Kobe I would let him stay up for it, but it's already 9.15pm, and only half time. We'll see how that goes.
Sounds like a nerf war in the other room, and not the requested quiet time spent watching the game. Time to go do some refereeing of my own...

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