Thursday, April 2, 2009

Today is Caden's 1st high school track meet. He is throwing the shot and discus. With that being said, the weather stinks right now. It's freezing, windy, and has already snowed all morning. No news yet whether the meet is still on or not. I vote..NOT! At least his events will be over at the beginning.
Had lunch with Kobe today. Chili and cinnamon rolls were the perfect meal for such a cold and depressing day. Made me smile on the inside, if you know what I mean. We had the luxury of sharing our meal with Haven's Superintendent and the Curriculum Director as well. Kobe was on his best behavior. Yay!
Gotta get tax stuff done. I have one last pile to go thru before Greg, our accountant, can get busy. I feel bad for waiting till the last minute, and every year I vow to be more efficient, but it seems to creep up on us. So, I guess I should go. The 15th is right around the corner...


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