Sunday, January 18, 2009

A SMILE in the midst of sadness

Kobe had a ballgame yesterday that I had to miss because of my Uncle's funeral. I rarely miss my kids' games, but I had little choice. So, I anxiously awaited news of his game results when I received the following written by my 11yr old son:
"We won on a last second shout in doble OT! And it was a shot that I assested!"
It had been a very long day, in fact, 4 days. I smiled when I read this. It was just what I needed.
My uncle Marc Waller passed away on Wednesday, January 14th, in the afternoon after a short battle with cancer. He was diagnosed in Sept. 08 and tried to fight it with chemo & radiation. The treatments wore his body out and he decided to stop chemo just a day or two before he died. His service was on Saturday and was attended by many family and friends. The chapel was full, the music played reflected some of Marc's faves. We all know that Marc is in a better place where there is no suffering. I know that one day I will see him again. Rest in Peace Uncle Marc. We love you and you will be missed.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Long week, this was.

Ok, so I know it's not even Friday yet, but this week has been a killer. Time has passed slowly and I am exhausted. Our other hygienist was sick Mon and Tues, so I had to take on the extra load. It wasn't too bad, but the days seemed long. I'm off through Tues. so I should recover. However, the laundry is crazy and I still haven't taken down the Christmas tree. WOW. That is my weekend goal.
Kobe taught me how to play "Smoke on the Water" tonight on the guitar. I serenaded Michael and Caden on the acoustic, and even the electric guitar. They weren't too impressed. Maybe I'll just stick to singing.
OU is playing Florida in the BCS National Championship tonight. It pains me to cheer for the Sooners, but hey, Big 12 Pride, right? It's a good game, tied 7-7 at half. I told Kobe I would let him stay up for it, but it's already 9.15pm, and only half time. We'll see how that goes.
Sounds like a nerf war in the other room, and not the requested quiet time spent watching the game. Time to go do some refereeing of my own...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back to life

Well, it's back to reality tomorrow. Of course, I am dreading it. But getting back into a routine will be nice. Hopefully I can get the boys to actually fall asleep on time. They have been staying up late and sleeping till noon over the past couple of weeks.
We are busy this week with 4 ballgames. Thankfully I don't have to make the trek to our Colby office this month. I have 2 months off. Our office is for sale out there, so maybe I'll get lucky and it'll be gone by March.
Caden plays Tues, Fri, and Sat. Kobe on Sat. also. Jessica has a game 2moro so that means 5 games in 7 days. Yea, this is the life. I love it.
2009 has arrived. Peace.