Track season is in full force. And so are the random, freak injuries. Caden was smacked with a dumbell in the weight room last eve. Ended up with 2 stitches under his right eye around midnight. Had to wait to go to ER cuz of the BB banquet and WSingers CD recording.
The weather is wonderful. Spring is way early and everything is starting to bloom. Unfortunately, it could end up freezing again before too long. Only in KS.
Kobe sang a solo at contest a couple of weeks ago and received a 1 rating. The judge had no criticism or advice at all for him. He sounded great. He just learned he landed one of the leads in their musical. It's the same musical Caden did his 7th gr year (he was the Prince).
Caden is shooting in a contest during the NJCAA tourney next week. He is competing against other area seniors. The winner gets new uniforms for their school. He is bowling tonight with FCA and Bowl for Kids Sake. This will be his 4 and last year to participate in this program. They have to go to Newton to bowl, as Hutch's alley has closed down. He has made a decision about next year. Playing FB at Sterling College. It was a difficult decision as he really had a great connection with both Sterling and McPherson. Sterling has pursued him a little more in football, and he felt really comfortable with the coaches and players. I'm just glad he made a choice, and now we can move forward with his future!!!
We've been entertained a couple of times by watching my friend Misty compete in the roller derby. She skates with the ICT club. It's interesting and slightly addictive to say the least.
Finally, some Big News for us. Wichita got a Chic-fil-A!!!! We are so excited. Haha! We can't wait to visit! We are also excited to visit TX over spring break the end of the month. Hopefully lil Matthew will be here by then.