Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Caden suits up for varsity!

Caden learned last evening that he would be suiting up for varsity for tonight's game. This was exciting news for him. He understood that actual playing time would be minimal or more than likely none, but he was happy non-the-less. So, we played Lyons tonight and had a pretty good lead throughout the entire game. 5 min left in the 4th quarter, and Caden goes in! Of course, I wasn't expecting this at all, so I didn't have the camera with me. He finished the game having 2 great shot attempts which was awesome! All in all, he got his chance to play with the big boys and he did reasonable well. I am proud!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Goodbye 2009. Hello 2010!

Happy New Year! It's 2010, and I'm excited for what this year holds. I'm pretty sure it will just fly by, so I plan to take it all in and enjoy myself. My brother is finally in Dallas with his family! We are just thrilled to have them closer! I think they are planning a trip to KS this month as Steph starts her new job in Feb. Steve will be on the hunt for a job. He is ready to get back to work for sure. As for Miss Mia, she is growing fast! I hear that she has been getting more ornery also. I can't wait to see her, it's been 3 mos...too long indeed. I don't see how anyone would want to discipline that sweet little thing...lol.

Well, only a few more days off from work and school around here. Then it's back to the old bump and grind. Kids go back on Tues. They've been staying up till the wee hours of the morning and sleeping till after noon everyday. I've actually enjoyed the quiet mornings with Michael out hunting and the kids snoozing.

Lastly, we experienced a "first" this past week. On New years eve, Caden drove ALONE to his Aunt Kristy's house. This was a little frightening for me as I watched him back out of the driveway and go around the corner. Ha! Their house is literally AROUND THE CORNER! Anyway, I was nervous and proud to say the least. Now I know what my mom was going through every time we left the house. Bless her heart!

Wishing you all a blessed 2010 full of love, joy, and happiness!